Dental Cleaning: Insights From A Family Dentist Clinic

As we focus solely on maintaining dental health, it is important to recognize that cleaning plays a vital role. At Dr. Beena George Dentistry, our family dentist clinic understands that patients may not fully understand the science behind this routine yet essential procedure.

This blog aims to help understand what dental cleaning is about, and to introduce some of the advanced tools and techniques we use to ensure your teeth and gums stay healthy and strong.

The Purpose Of Dental Cleaning

Dental cleaning is a preventive measure to remove dental plaque and tartar that accumulate on teeth over time. Even with excellent at-home oral care, plaque can build-up in hard-to-reach areas, eventually leading to tartar formation, which can only be removed with professional dental care at a family dentist clinic

Regular cleaning helps prevent caries, gingivitis, and periodontal disease, ensuring long-term oral health.

The Science Of Plaque And Tartar

– Dental Plaque:

Plaque is a sticky, colorless film of bacteria that continuously forms on your teeth. The bacteria in plaque feed on the sugars and starches from food and produce acid as a byproduct. These acids can erode tooth enamel, leading to tooth decay. If plaque is not removed through brushing and flossing, it hardens into calculus, commonly called tartar.

– Tartar:

Also commonly known as calculus, tartar is hardened plaque that adheres firmly to tooth surfaces, both above and below the gumline. It provides a constant breeding ground for more bacteria, which can irritate the gums, leading to inflammation and potentially causing gum disease.

Tools And Techniques Used In Dental Cleanings

1. Ultrasonic Scalers:

Ultrasonic scalers are at the forefront of cleaning technology in dentistry. These handheld devices use high-frequency vibrations to remove tartar deposits from teeth. Operating at 20,000 to 45,000 cycles per second, the ultrasonic scaler dislodges tartar with minimal impact on the enamel. The scaler uses water to rinse away debris and keep the area cool.

2. Hand Scalers:

Hand scalers remove plaque and tartar manually using precision instruments. They come in various shapes and sizes, each designed for specific areas of the teeth and gums. Dental hygienists use them to clean spots that ultrasonic scalers may miss, ensuring a thorough cleaning.

3. Polishing:

Next, the teeth are polished with prophylaxis paste, a mildly abrasive substance that removes any remaining plaque and surface stains, leaving the teeth smooth and shiny. Polishing not only enhances the appearance of the teeth but also makes them less prone to plaque buildup.

4. Fluoride Treatment:

This typically involves applying fluoride to the teeth. Fluoride is a mineral that strengthens tooth enamel, making it more resistant to decay. This treatment is especially beneficial for children and individuals at a higher risk of developing cavities.

Benefits Of Regular Dental Cleanings

a. Gum Disease Prevention:

Routine cleanings get rid of plaque and tartar, which cause gingivitis and periodontitis, thus preventing gum disease. Early detection and treatment during these cleanings can also help prevent serious complications, such as tooth loss.

b. Early Detection Of Oral Health Issues:

During a dental cleaning, the hygienist and dentist check for signs of oral health problems, such as cavities, oral cancer, and other conditions. Initiating early detection allows for more effective and less invasive treatments.

c. Overall Health Improvement:

Oral health is directly linked to overall health, and improper oral hygiene can lead to systemic diseases ranging from heart disease to diabetes and respiratory infection. Help maintain your overall well-being with regular dental cleaning.

Get Yourself A Dental Cleaning With Us

Understanding the science behind dental cleaning highlights the importance of maintaining good oral health. We commit to providing top-quality care using advanced tools and techniques at our family dental clinic. Regular dental cleanings are a crucial investment in your health, helping to prevent serious dental issues and ensuring your smile remains bright and healthy.

If it’s been a while since your last dental cleaning, DON’T WAIT call 905-542-9999 or schedule an appointment with us right here. You will receive exceptional care for your teeth from our staff.

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